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Monday, September 7, 2009

Mama Braggin' Monday: Baptism

Sarah was baptized yesterday.

She made her decision to follow Christ on August 5th, 2009 during Vacation Bible School. We have talked about it off an on for several years. She would ask questions and we would answer them, always with no pressure. We always told her that God would tell her when the time was right for her to make the decision.

He finally did just that during a special time between the 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders and our children's pastor during VBS. I was not present, but Sarah stood up to say she was ready to make that decision.

Her daddy both led her through those steps and baptized her. What a joy! Especially knowing that he only made his relationship with Christ a personal one after we were married.

She was SO ready. From the day of her decision she was ready to be baptized immediately. She wanted for it to happen that very Sunday. Unfortunately, there are the logistics of the worship service to take into account and that was not going to be possible. But within a couple of weeks, we went in and let her talk to our senior pastor and scheduled the date so that friends and family could join us to celebrate.

We love you, Sarah, and are so encouraged by your enthusiasm for your Lord.

You can hear Nathan in the background at the beginning saying, "Hi Daddy," and at the end saying something like, "Why is her hair all wet?" Unfortunately, you cannot see him in the video, but he was standing up on the steps right next to the baptistry so that he could see all the action up close. A friend of mine took a precious picture with him in it. I'll try to post it if I can get a copy of it.


beckyjomama said...

That made me cry! So very wonderful!!!!

Lolly said...

How awesome is that! This time will go down as one of your greatest joys of parenthood.

bigadd said...

Many times as I have spoken to parents after their child accepted Christ as Savior, I have commented that the best moments in my life was when my children accepted Christ. I'm sure you would testify to that fact today.


Beckypdj said...

How wonderful for her and you as parents. There is nothing better than seeing your children born again and serving God.

Brittany said...

Donna, that seriously made me tear up. What a precious gift for a daddy to be able to baptize his own daughter. Your daughter is growing up to be a beautiful person and that she has Jesus in her heart and now baptized is such a wonderful blessing. Praise GOD from whome ALL blessings flow. Amen.