On Saturday, Sarah and I attended a conference called You & Your Girl that is put on by Lifeway. The keynote speaker at these conferences is Vicki Courtney, who is another favorite author and Bible teacher of mine.
I had known that Vicki would be doing one of these conferences here in my local area for quite a while, but only in January did I realize that they had broadened the age range enough for Sarah to attend. I had been planning for quite a while to try to go to Atlanta in April to attend the simulcast event that Beth Moore was doing for her new book “So Long, Insecurity.” But having this opportunity to go and do something with Sarah, just us… mom and daughter… well, it seemed a little more important. A choice had to be made because I wouldn’t be able to afford to do both. And since the point when she and I decided to go, we had been looking forward to it.
After 10 years of reading her books and doing and leading her Bible Studies, including her most recent “5 Conversations You Must Have with Your Daughter” book and Bible study, it was really neat to get to hear Vicki speak in person. And not only that, to get to meet her up close and personal during her “Meet & Greet” time.
We had a really great time and I had to just share a couple of little stories.
In Vicki’s first session, she talked about how much we girls like love stories. She talked a bit about movies and famous romantic movie quotes. In with all this they showed a montage of romantic scenes from movies. They ranged from the scene a-top the Empire State Building in Sleepless in Seattle to the beach in the rain scene from Sweet Home Alabama. The last several scenes that were shown were scenes where the two characters kissed.
You know what my daughter said? “Why do they have to show the kissing when they know that there are 9 year olds here?”
I never knew my daughter was so “kissing scene” averse.
After that first session, there was a break-out session where Sarah went with all the other 3rd grade girls to do some activities and things while the moms stayed and listened to a panel discussion with Vicki and 3 other ladies (one of which was Amy Pierson from Prestonwood Baptist - this is a young lady to keep your eye on. She has a book coming out soon on mentoring.) . Then we broke for lunch.
Sarah had decided very early that we were going to Pei Wei. And the fact that I had a kid that would in a heartbeat pick Pei Wei over, say, McDonald’s is a testament to God’s grace and mercy on me if anything is.
After lunch we went down to the Lifeway bookstore so that we could look around and I could meet Vicki. I had decided that we might buy a CD from the Sonflowerz, who led worship, but that we weren’t going to spend a lot.
So when you daughter comes to you and says she has found another Bible that she really wants, what are you supposed to say? When she says, “I want to have a variety kinds of Bibles,” can you in any way say, “No, you can’t have another Bible.”?
Well, I couldn’t.
So after another break-out session and a closing session with Vicki, which included a bit of fidgeting by Sarah and a great skit by Vicki’s youngest son and some of his friends (a rare treat since he is not normally at these events), Sarah’s final analysis of the day was:
“It was long, but it was fun.”
Me and my girl.
I hope you and your girl have a similar opportunity sometime soon. It was priceless.
P.S. I hope to do a post this week about and unpack some of what we covered in the “5 Conversations” Bible study and what I learned from it. Stay tuned.
Love it! Such a sweet time for you all!
Michelle V
I'm so glad you both got to go and experience that. Very cool. Glad you had a good time! Love the pix too! :)
I can't say no when mine ask for another bible, either...or at night when they read and say "Five more min, please, I'm reading about Moses..."
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