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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Let the school year begin

Ok. It's official. I'm the mom of a 4th grader and a Kindergartener.

Where, oh WHERE did the time go?


bridget {bake at 350} said...

Aren't they SWEET?!? Mine starts SIXTH (!) tomorrow!

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to them this year! Mine start Monday - 4th and 1st. Yes, I'm like you - WHERE did the time go?

Anonymous said...

They are getting so big! Two officially in school!

Pam said...

Oh my...two kids in school! Twice the homework, but twice the fun to see both of them growing up so fast! : )

Unknown said...

So sweet!! They do grow up too fast though, don't they? My son will start 6th grade on Tuesday. And he's getting very close to my height - grrrr. Hope you are doing well!