I am a working outside the home wife and mother to 2 children: Sarah, the princess (7) and Nathan, my little man (3).
I married my college sweet-heart and he is my man. I love to brag on him, but he can be infuriating at the same time. What good husband isn’t?
I'm a woman of many hats. When I'm not wearing the wife hat, I'm wearing the mom hat. When I'm not wearing those hats, I'm wearing the admin. assistant hat. Sometimes I wear the school volunteer hat or the VBS director hat. You just never know.
If asked what my favorite food is, I’d say, “Good food.”
I secretly still believe I am the unknown distant relative of royalty and someday they’ll figure it out and I’ll be wisked away to my palace in Genovia.
I love just about anything artistic be it performing or visual.
I love dogs. In fact I have 2 and one that lives on in memory.
Cats… not so much.
I laugh at myself because I grew up goin' huntin' with dad, and yet sometimes I am such a girl. I don't camp (unless it's a motel without room service), and I keep dreaming of owning a pair of Jimmy Choos.
I am a proud native born Texan and live in a household with only one other true native Texan.
As a Texan, I take great pride in being a Texan.
Can I say the word Texan just one more time?
My man and I are also Aggies and are doing our best to brainwash our children to be Aggies as well. Yes, they get M&M’s for saying things like “Gig ‘em,” or “Red Ass.” (Well, not so much the latter…. yet.)
But most of all I am striving to be a woman of purpose. And that being to know my God and Savior more intimately and deeply each day.
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Wednesday, August 1, 2007
About Me
Everything You Wanted to Know About Way More Homemade
I'm Donna. I am a working outside the home wife and mother to 2 children: Sarah, the princess (8) and Nathan, my little man (4). I have been married to my college sweet-heart for over 14 years. I work mostly part-time as an administrative assistant for a financial planner and full time as a wife, mother, school volunteer, occasional Bible study leader and VBS director among other hats that I wear. But most of all I am striving to be a woman of purpose. And that being to know my God and Savior more intimately and deeply each day.
Way More Homemade
This blog has gone through several changes and while the internet address has always been waymorehomemade, it started out with the title "Did I Say That Out-Loud?" Which, if you know me, is quite appropriate. However, in an effort to create some blog cohesiveness, I changed the title. Read about where the Way More Homemade name comes from here.
I really do like this title because, like my brownies, my life doesn't just come from a box. Homemade implies that it takes more time, more attention, and it's the "real deal" as a friend put it. For certain, God has had to spend more time and attention on me to make me closer to the real deal than I would like to admit. But I have seen that I need to allow Him to make my life from scratch, and not allow our culture or society to try to hand me a boxed life.
If you haven't noticed, this isn't a Martha Stewart, I sew all my kids clothes, grow my own vegetables, cook an entirely organically grown meal every day kind of blog. It's my life that's Way More Homemade these days. And while that's how I prefer my food, I do live in the real world, and Way More Homemade is about so much more than just food.
The tagline says it all. This is where Faith, Family and Food collide.
Read More About Me
About Me
100 Things
Why "Way More Homemade"?
The Recipes
All that said, I do still talk about food a lot. I recently started posting recipes on a separate blog so that they would all be in one place and easier to find and search through. Visit The Recipes here or see the link at the top of the page. And don't miss a single edition of Foodie Friday. It's just a fun little thing I do and I usually post a recipe (or two) (or three).
I love email. You can contact me via email at
waymorehomemade (at) yahoo (dot) com
I also love comments. So please comment if you stop by. As I continue to find my blogging "voice" I will try to engage in a conversation with you. I also love to email back to people when they comment. So, please, include some kind of email address in your profile so that I can get back in touch with you if I need to.
Why "Way More Homemade" - My Story
I was having a conversation with my dear friend Val at a banquet at church one evening. We were talking about food and specifically how we each make a potato casserole. You know the one. Shredded potatoes, lots of cheese. Topped with sour cream, bacon and chives.
She made some comment about using frozen hash browns and canned soup. I said, "Oh, mine's way more home made than that." Oh, no... I did NOT just say that out loud did I? Oh, yes I did.
It's my affliction. I believe we all have a filter of sorts between our brains and our mouths. Unfortunately, mine sometimes crashes or is AWOL and things just slip right on through.
I have my opinions and I have a tendency to share them openly, especially with those whom I know the best. I find that people say to me quite often, "Um, well, tell me how you really feel."
So, the blog... I started this blog as a way to help family and friends keep up with the many things that rapidly change in our lives. And especially to help my parents who are out of the country for two years to keep up with us. However, it has morphed into something more.
Not long after I started blogging, I began to think of what a speaker once said at a ladies conference at my church. She posed the question, "What would happen if we all truly shared what God was doing in our lives?" That question gave me pause to stop and think; what would happen if I truly shared with those in my sphere of influence what the Lord is doing in my life. The answer is, "I don't exactly know." But I do know that He has done such great and mighty things that I just can't keep my mouth shut about it (or should I say I can't keep my fingers still about it?).
Since then, I have found in myself a love for writing about what is going on in this little brain of mine and what God is teaching me. For one thing, it helps to get the head knowledge into my heart and helps me to apply what I'm learning if I write about it. I think that's the extrovert in me talking. But also I find myself hoping and praying that something that I write about touches those who read it and that they will find it useful or encouraging.
So what can you expect?
- Although I do love food and love to talk about food, this blog is not exclusively about food.
- I am a wife and a mother. I will blog about my children. If you're bothered by sappy mom posts, then just move along. There's nothing for you to see here.
- This blog is not as funny as some. I don't end up with hilarious stories about my kids and their antics every day. But they do have their moments.
- I won't talk solely about my kids. I love them, and they are precious... but they are not my entire life.
- I will share from time to time what I am learning through God's word and what He is teaching me. This is a very important part of this blog for me personally as I believe it helps keep me accountable.
- I try to keep the soap-box commentary to a minimum. But there are times I just have to pull out that old soap-box and dust it off. I do warn you when I'm doing, this, however.
- I won't try to give you all the answers to life's questions. All I can do it share my own experiences.
My Life Verse and Purpose
For my determined purpose is that I may know him, that I may progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Him, perceiving and recognizing and understanding the wonders of His Person more strongly and more clearly, and that I may in that same way come to know the power outflowing from His resurrection, which it exerts over believers, and that I may so share His sufferings as to be continually transformed in spirit into His likeness even to His death, in the hope that if possible I may attain to the spiritual and moral resurrection that lifts me out from among the dead even while in the body.
Philippians 3:10-11 (Amplified Bible)