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Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Is it your day?

With Nathan you just never know.

My friend Val knows that.

Some days he just can't get enough of her and it's all about "Mrs. Valerie!" Other days he doesn't want anything to do with her.

Whenever we go to lunch after church on Sundays she always asks for a kiss from him. Sometimes it's her day, sometimes it's not.

There's really no rhyme or reason to it either... as if there is with anything a 2 year old does.

And he's caught on to this expression that we use. This past Sunday he told her, "It's not your day."

What's so precious is that she doesn't get her feelings hurt.

'Cuz she knows that it's not just her.

I emailed her recently with something that happened just to reinforce this fact.

I went in one morning to get him up and going for the day. He was lying there so still that I couldn't tell through the darkness of the room if he was still asleep or lying there awake. So I took a step further in his room.

Wrong choice.

All I heard then was, "NO! Get out of my room, mommy!"

It wasn't my day.

But I tell you what; Saturday was my Aunt Lucy's day.

This dear woman who he would never have remembered meeting before got the privilege of a sweet good-bye kiss from my Nathan.

And it couldn't have been a better day for it.