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Monday, April 7, 2008


We are continuing our study of Matthew in BSF and last week we looked at chapters 22 – 23. Jesus is in Jerusalem the week before his crucifixion and the priests are asking some interesting questions. Leading questions that they were hoping would trap Him into saying something that would make enough people mad that they could get rid of him.

In lecture our teaching leader brought up something very interesting concerning this questioning by the priests that I never would have thought of. She even said that it was a new thought to her.

In the Old Testament (I don’t have a reference yet), when a lamb was brought as an offering, a sacrifice, the priest would inspect it to be sure that it was without blemish. Her suggestion was that possibly, this questioning by the priests in Matthew, was the same thing. Without them realizing it, they were showing The Lamb to be without fault; without blemish; the perfect sacrifice.

As I considered this, I thought about acceptable offerings and that took me back to Cain and Able. One brought his best, an acceptable offering that was pleasing to God. The other brought only some of the fruits, but not necessarily the best or first.

I, then began to relate all this to myself. My regular morning routine goes that I get up, put on some clothes, go into our kitchen table and read a chapter from the Bible, try to pray a little, then go exercise, shower and get ready for work.

For quite a while now, I have considered my getting up and reading a chapter from the Bible and praying an acceptable offering. But is it? Is God really pleased with my fuzzy head and highly distracted by yawning prayers? Yes I’m there and that’s important, but is that really all that matters? Would I have gotten to know my husband so well if all our conversations were like that? Am I bringing God my best - my first? Or is this just some of what I have? Is this really the best I can do?

So, internet, how can I wake myself up a little more in the mornings (without changing the order of my routine) to be more alert for my quiet time?


Cristel said...

Do you include a cup of coffee in that routine? Other than waking up a little earlier to give yourself a chance to "clear your head" I'm not sure that I have any advice. I struggle with the same thing. If I wait until the evening I'm too tired to be focused. If I try for the mornings, I'm too tired to be focused. Maybe I need to figure out why I'm so tired.

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean. This may sound crazy, but I pray the night before and ask God to help wake me up. I am amazed by the number of mornings where I get a gentle nudge before my alarm goes off, which just seems to make it a little easier to get up. Of course, some mornings I can hardly see to read or write because my eyes are so heavy.

Brittany said...

I'm right there with you Sister. I really really enjoyed this post. I hadn't ever looked at the story like that either. I wish I was able to be in a bible study with you. I enjoy your insight as well as what God is doing/has done through you. I relate to you on so many levels.

I don't know that I have any suggestions on how to clear your head any better. I'd do better after a shower than before.