I am kind of out of pocket this week. Come by next week for a whole series about what's been going on this past week. It might be interesting.... or not.
So in the mean-time, I am re-running an old post for you. I loved this post from a little over a year ago.
"Three Year Old Theology"
originally posted August 28, 2008
You know, every once in a while I hear something and it touches me. But I’m not really sure how it is going to flesh out. How rubber meets the road.
Then, something happens in real life and I have an “AH-HA” moment.
That happened today.
Nathan had his 3 year old check-up today.
Yes, I know… he turned 3 like 3 months ago. But it was a busy summer. You know how it goes. By the time I made the appointment, I had to schedule it for a month away. Then had to reschedule when he was at Nanny’s house and the Dr.’s office was super busy with back to school check-ups and everything. So here we are, nearly 3 months later. Whatever… we finally got it done.
So as we were in the appointment, the doctor is asking him all kinds of questions. What did he have for breakfast? Cheerios. (Good answer son. Don’t tell her about the Ding-dongs.) Does he like vegetables? Yes. Then he asks if we can go home. In just a minute.
So then she asks him about his big sister.
How is your big sister? How’s Sarah?
I have a big sister.
Yes, I know.
And I have a big dad.
A big dad. Yes, you do.
And I have mommy.
And she has me.
And she has me… yes, my son, I have you.
And that brought back to mind the message of Inheritance from this weekend at Living Proof Live. Point number 3 was “I am an heir of God. He is my portion… and I am His.” The last part of that statement is the hard one to grasp. I am His portion. I am His inheritance. His treasured possession.
Nathan’s sweet statement kind of brought this home for me.
A parent’s love for their child is unlike any other. Just as there is no love like that between husband and wife. And the love between friends, sisters, Siestas… well, that’s in a class all its own.
What is blowing my mind right now is that God’s love for me is the embodiment of all these types of love. He sees us as His bride. He sees us as His children. He calls us His friends.
But as I looked at Nathan after he said that today, I thought to myself, “Yes, you are my inheritance. I get it.” That’s what it’s about. The LOVE that God has for me and how he looks on me in anticipation of what I will one day become. The same way I look upon my own children.
He is my portion… and I AM HIS!!!
And we also have a BIG DAD!
It's finished!
5 years ago
What a sweet little guy!!
Wasn't that conference the best?!?!? I just love Beth and San Antonio was great!!
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