Here it is once again. Christmas.
I decided this year to not send out a letter in our Christmas cards... you know, the ones that I am still not finished making even as I write this on December 23rd.
Yeah, I'm a little behind.
So, instead, you all are getting the treat of my Christmas greeting ramblings and annual update on the Way More Homemade family here on the ol' blog.
If you're new here, take a look around. Visit the tabs listed across the top. A good place to start is the "About" tab, then feel free to move on to "Favorites." All of that might just give you an idea of what this here blog is all about.
Now, back to my decision to not send out a letter with those Christmas cards... there is a reason behind that decision; and I'll bet you are just dying to know what that reason is.
Well maybe not, but you're getting it anyways.
Mainly, it's just because this year has been more of the same for us. Not a whole lot has changed. We're still living in the same house, working at the same jobs, going to the same schools, participating in many of the same activities... there was just a lot of same-ness for us this year.
I thought, "I don't have a single thing to really update you all on from this year. Other than to say, 'Things are about the same.'"
Then it struck me that it's really been nice this year with things remaining the same. While change is good at times, and upheaval is necessary at times, sometimes it is comforting to remain... to stay the same.
But as much as we would love for things to always remain the same, things always change, don't they? The world always changes. We're about to have a huge change in our nation as a new President will take office in a little less than a month. Our economic and financial landscape has changed drastically in the last couple of months and will never be the same again.
The truth is that when I step back for a moment, I see that many things have changed. But that ONE has not.
I don't know about you, but in this time of what may seem like upheaval at times, it comforts me to know that our God does not, has not, will not EVER change. He will ALWAYS remain the same. His love for us is so deep, profound, and unchanging that He sent His Son, so that we might be changed.
The verse I included on our Christmas cards this year jumped off the page at me, and now I know why.
"She will bear a son, and you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins." ~Matthew 1:21
This is why He came... to change us so that we would not remain the same. Because you and I remaining the same, it means death. Eternal death and separation from God.
There are many times that I would prefer to not change. I would prefer for things to remain the same. But not on this.
On a lighter side, one thing that will likely always remain the same is my love for the Christmas carol, "Away in a Manger." It is so sweet, especially when sung by children. And doubly especially when sung by my children.
My first attempts to get Nathan to sing "Away in a Manger" for you were met with some resistance... obviously at least three times.
I did, however finally convince him with a sucker.
I'm always glad that the little Lord Jesus is asleep on his head.
Sarah playing "Away in a Manger" on the piano.
May you have a 2009 that is full of change. We hope for the same thing.
Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas.
Much love and blessings from your friends here at Way More Homemade!
It's finished!
5 years ago
Merry, merry Christmas, Donna! Hope you and your beautiful family have a wondrous celebration. Thanks for sharing the darling videos. Blessed 2009! Love, Annette
For some reason only the last picture is showing up on my computer. I'll try again tomorrow.
But that last picture is GREAT! What a wonderful little family you have :-)
Have a wonderful, blessed Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you! Your videos are just beyond cute! :-D
Those videos were GREAT, Donna! So cute!
I hope your Christmas was a wonderful one, friend. :)
You are so blessed. What a beautiful family. Love the vids of the kids. Treasure them,before you can turn around twice and they will be off to college.
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