I work outside of my home. Did you know that?
I had certain expectations when I took this job and started working outside of my home once again last fall. Expectations of the job, of myself and for my family and my home.
As I have watched the one year anniversary of taking this job come and go within the last month (get a glimpse of my first day here), I am in a reflective mood and thinking about those expectations.
It’s hard to nail down what they were because, certainly, I never uttered what they were in speech or in writing. But clearly as I look back, they were there.
I have been thinking back to my last job. I worked when Sarah was little. From the time she was 1 year old until she was 3 ½ and we moved to Virginia. I worked 4 days a week – 2 longer and 2 shorter so that I could pick her up from preschool. I had Fridays off completely. It was a demanding job and I worked my share of extra hours. But I was paid hourly and rarely felt guilty for staying at home if Sarah was sick. If I wasn’t there, I didn’t get paid… and I was okay with that.
Fast forward to today. I work 4 days a week – 2 longer and 2 shorter so that I can pick the kids up from school. I have Wednesdays off completely. It’s not a terribly demanding job, but I work hard and put in extra hours when necessary. I am on salary and do feel guilty for staying home if one of the kids is sick.
These work situations sound fairly similar, do they not? That’s what I thought.
But here’s the deal. Back then, my house stayed relatively clean, we entertained company fairly regularly, and still worked on my scrapbooks on a very regular basis.
Now, I feel like it’s a major accomplishment to just get the laundry done so that we can all have clean clothes for the week a few days. I feel like my house never gets clean. I don’t scrapbook anymore. I only blog to help me get my thoughts out of my head and on to paper so that I stay sane.
What’s different?
I don't know how many parts there will be. I'm not done writing yet. But stay tuned (if you're interested, of course).
It's finished!
5 years ago
With Peter in Kindergarten this year and Sarah following next year, I'm trying to figure out what if any job I will do.
I'm interested in hearing the rest of your story!
If it makes you feel any better, I do not work outside the home and I still have these struggles. With me, I find that in order to get the most important things done, I have to be purposeful and make choices proactively. Not that I always do when I should, but I have found it helps if/when I do.
First job- one child at least 2 extra hours in evey day.
Second job-two children and at least 5 less hours in every day.
My hat's always off to work outside the home moms. I never know how any of them do it! It's just hard!
Looking forward to the rest of your series. : )
Girrrrl, I get you here, BIG TIME.
This year has been absolutely awful for having time (since the school year began). I homeschool but with a co-op and it is h-a-r-d.
I feel like I don't have any time for anything (like laundry, cleaning, cooking, ect. which are what I NEED to be doing, let alone reading and writing blogs, which I love. :(
Keep processing. I am interested...even though I can't guarantee I won't be reading about it a month from now...LOL!
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